Is there a dentist in the house?

Shoot. I was eating thick juicy steak for dinner and I lost a chunk of my tooth, believe that? Luckily it doesn’t hurt, I’m surprised. It was a cavity that has been forming between a couple of teeth and now most of the inner section is gone and along the side. It’s in between, so it’s not noticable when I smile, but man! I can sure feel what seems to be a sizable gap where there was once tooth. Odd as it feels I am just so relieved it doesn’t hurt, and strangely I didn’t even notice when it actually happened. Just swiped my tongue across my teeth checking for food and felt the sharp edged opening which was quite disturbing. No sign of that peice of missing tooth either, must have swallowed it.. *gulp* Although it didn’t keep me from finishing my steak covered in mouth watering sauce and sauteed onions. 😉 It also definately shouldn’t keep me from seeking dental care soon.