Hello Blog

Back again. Had a good Independence Day. Had a family cookout yesterday with some chicken, ribs, and of course dogs and burgers, along with many side dishes and snacks. The weather was fair and all the kids went in the pool. Jarlyn and my brother Matt were there which was great, great day indeed. I’ll be seeing my brother again Thursday night for a bonfire, which him and his friend are infamous for doing. I’ve been to a few, fun times. Then Friday is Jarlyn’s birthday, she’ll take the night off and we’ll probably go out some place.

Spent the day today helping my grandfather again. Had to remove bricks out of his walkway were there was a sink hole, I filled it in with dry quickcrete, packed it down nice and tight and wet the top layer which kept it nice and hard. Tomorrow I finish the job, then I help him with some painting and build a picnic table. Eventful week it’ll be, I’ll post again when I can.


One response to “Hello Blog”

  1. Yup yup the 4th of July was sure good 🙂 hehe Sounds like u have a hard week ahead of u. But just think of the money 😉 The end of the week should be fun for you…bondfire and then my b-day 🙂 Can’t wait till that…don’t know what we shall do though :-p Something that’s for sure…Oh well I will ttyl!