
What’s wrong with people in this world? What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? What is wrong with youth? Why does everybody treat each other like shit and disrespect everyone. A man who calls a woman discriminating names is a fucking coward with a weak inner self that is not of a man, but of a boy, a wussy, know-it-all, piece of trash. People like this, the assholes of the world, make me crazy, so crazy I feel I could lose all control of my will and straight up fucking murder someone, no joke. At times I’ve desired to take so many peoples life, but I’m not a coward who has to disrespect or obliterate everything he hates. Most of all I hate dogmatic, self-reighteous, I’m better than you because we say so pieces of fucking shit, and I want them all to fucking choke on their own piss and blood and die the most violent, caustic, pestilent death of all time. I want to see their eyes melt right out of their ugly heads, and watch their close-minded brains boil right in their fucking skulls, and have their skin blister, pop, then dry up and crumble away, only leaving their flesh which the great black ravens will devour until there’s nothing but bones which I’ll then proceed to dance on and bash with a giant blacksmith’s hammer into a fine powder. I don’t even care who reads this because right now I just don’t give a flying fuck about nobody. I’ll mass murder the whole populous of earth at once leaving me in a lonely bliss.