Exploit Code Published for Windows Worm Hole

Exploit Code Published for Windows Worm Hole

Detailed exploit code for a critical Windows worm hole has been published on the Internet, putting millions of users at risk of PC takeover attacks.

The code, which was posted to the Milw0rm Web site, attempts to exploit a known—and already patched—vulnerability in the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Client service.

Microsoft released the MS06-036 bulletin on July 11 to correct the flaw, and warned that a successful exploit could allow remote code execution on Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.

Windows uses DHCP to reduce the complexity of administering network addresses. But because of an unchecked buffer, Microsoft said, an attacker could remotely hijack a compromised system to install programs, view, change or delete data, or create new accounts with full user rights. [Read on]