Ubuntu 6.06 Is Current Desktop Linux Champ

eWeek: Ubuntu 6.06 Is Current Desktop Linux Champ

Canonical’s Ubuntu 6.06 LTS is an excellent Linux-based operating system—so excellent, in fact, that it not only earned eWEEK Labs’ Analyst’s Choice designation but has also become our clear favorite among Linux desktop distributions.

This latest Ubuntu release, which became available in June, has won our ardor with a tight focus on desktop usability; an extremely active, helpful and organized user community; and a software installation and management framework that’s unsurpassed on any OS platform.

In addition to outperforming Linux rivals as a desktop OS, we found that Ubuntu is a solid choice for server deployments—provided, at least, that the sort of graphical management hand-holding that one would expect from Microsoft’s Windows Server or from Novell’s SUSE Linux Enterprise Server isn’t a priority.

The server variant of Ubuntu is focused on slim, headless operation.

Administrators can install a graphical environment on top of Ubuntu, but server administration is a largely a command-line-driven affair. [Read more]