The Supernatural World

Preface to The Supernatural World by Danish author and philosopher Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff:

Dear reader!

Are you fascinated by the supernatural? By the idea, that there may be a deeper meaning to existence?

That demons – or just beings from other worlds or dimensions – actually exist? Or do you simply wonder why some people seem to believe in, or even in some form experience, the supernatural?

If not, then you probably belong to a very small minority. In all likelihood it will not have escaped your attention, that there are entire retail chains, that exist to provide you with anything from gemstones with healing properties to inverted crosses – anything according to taste.

What is it all about? And what has auras and reincarnation got to do with the religion we were taught at Sunday school?

Are people who communicate with spirits insane, do they have real contact, or maybe both? And is the fascinating “forgotten wisdom” in any way compatible with modern science?

In this little book you will meet supernatural beings, and even follow them into their own world. You will learn about how they think, and what they are doing here. You will discover that they are neither angels nor demons, men from Mars or hallucinations, but that they nevertheless visit us for a very specific reason.

And what is even more: That they and their world are only separated from ours with a thin veil. That it does not require a mystical spell to get to see them, but on the contrary that we every day more or less unconsciously perform a “ritual of deflection” to keep them away from us.

Have you ever had the feeling that you were not alone, even though you ‘knew’ that you were? Or thought about how goldfish in a bowl might feel the same way?

Maybe this book will answer questions, which you have asked yourself a thousand times. Or maybe it will start you on a journey of discovery, more exciting that you would ever have dreamt possible.

Happy travels!

via The Supernatural World | Disinformation.

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