Category: Rants & Remarks

  • The Heat Is On

    Another muggy day today. I spent the the day with my Grandfather to do some yard work for him, he’s […]

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  • Blog Negligence

    *Gasp!* I have not been posting nearly as often as I hoped I would be, but don’t worry. I still […]

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  • 2 Years and growing stronger

    Whelp, today was my girlfriend and I’s two year anniversary. We had fun today, even though we didn’t have the […]

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  • Get your geek on

    I just started getting into podcasting lately, not the casting part but listening to them, and my favourite is ThisWEEKinTECH. […]

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  • Star Wars Rules!

    Had fun today with my girlfriend. 😀 We have our little moments like we all do, still going strong. There’s […]

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  • The Air is Foul

    Well, even with the new hard drive in Jarlyn’s brother’s PC its still messed up. Still has random shutdown issues. […]

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  • The Air is Fair

    A very brief overview of my day and what I am currently reading..

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  • The Sneezing Star

    Okay, I am back once again to post. Not even sure what to type really, just didn’t want too much […]

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  • Live life, face death

    Well, It sure was another nice day out, around 70 degrees. My brother Vin was about to go check out […]

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  • Update

    Spent another nice day outside again. Not nearly as warm as Wenesday, but still beautiful out. Today was the day […]

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